  • Wednesday, January 26, 2005

    It's nice to know that after 3 years of frustration in the NFC championship game, the Eagles are finally going to the Super Bowl! Yay! I'd like to see them win the whole thing obviously, although I'd imagine their chances of beating the Patriots are slim, considering the Patriots held the best offensive team in football without a touchdown, and put up over 40 points against the best defensive team in football. But ya never know... it's one game. Remember that when the Patriots made it to the Super Bowl 3 years ago everyone including myself thought the Rams would run all over them and the Patriots somehow came away with the win.

    BTW, I apologize to anyone who will be coming to the Super Bowl party at the Wesley Foundation that you won't get to see a wrestling match between me and Geoff (which probably would've happened if the Eagles and Steelers were in it).


    Saturday, January 22, 2005

    I was really worried about winter break right before I left at the end of last semester. People tell me that your break should be a time of relaxation, although for me it's usually a time of loneliness and boredom. I desperately hoped that vacation wouldn't feel like a time of void and nothingness... that wish definitely came true but in very strange ways. Amidst reviving old friendships and watching others fade away, and fears of friends you may have lost.... watching natural disasters cause so much tragedy.... getting together with family.... heading to New York for a conference... it was certainly eventful.

    The beginning of the break, I was glad to see some of the family; we went and saw my grandparents in Maryland for Xmas. I brought my guitar along and learned how to play "Happy Birthday" for my great aunt, who celebrates her birthday on new years eve. She seemed very appreciative, and I was glad to show her that I could actually play guitar a little bit since last time I tried to play I knew something like 2 chords or so and got booed when I tried to play :-P

    After a week's worth of work, I headed to NY for a UN seminar on Peace and Global Security. I got to see an old friend, Scott, who goes to W&M, and I also met many other students from W&M who joined our group from the Wesley Foundation. The seminars we attended were really fascinating, and proved to me once again that the government either leaves the public in the dark about so many issues to try to promote America as some kind of economic juggernaut, or that the government is so blind to the truth of how to actually solve world conflicts that they'll ultimately run the whole world into the ground. But it also showed me that there are tons of people, both past and present, who are fighting hard (in non-violent ways) to combat evil in this world. Evil... is there even an absolute term of what evil is supposed to be? After hearing one talk of how the difference between terrorism and war is that terrorism is unlawful and war is lawful, how can you possibly think that the government is fighting on the side of good?

    Of course, I think some of the most memorable events of the NY trip had nothing to do with the seminar itself... it had to do with New York itself and the people in our group... sleeping on a carpet in a church (a step up from a tile floor in Yuma!), seeing mice run around in the same room were in, trying to figure out the maze which is the NY subway system, going to the empire state building top in zero visibility (lol), eating NY pizza (yum!), seeing how awesome Broadway plays can make costuming in commonly known stories like the Lion King, seeing exhibits in the Met like Chinese art, and the evolution of musical instruments.... and finally, seeing how surprised New Yorkers are when you do something nice for them like hold a door or give up your seat on a subway or something like that. The other thing I learned... never ever again will I desire to use a disposable camera! An automatic flash destroyed the images of several images which I wish could have been recovered.

    The friendship thing I may get to in a later post, but for now, I have a meeting to get to.

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