  • Sunday, February 19, 2006

    Ok, now I get the "Lars" chant.

    Wednesday, February 15, 2006

    I feel like I'm doing it again. Dang. But it doesn't matter this time around. No, it doesn't matter, because it won't.

    Some random thoughts:

    As I'm writing this, Aaron says "jackasses" (ha ha)

    "I bump and spike with the best of 'em. Oh, and I play volleyball pretty good too" - what I'm telling Diane she should put in her profile

    Geoff: "I can't work with these people anymore!" - in reference to our Wesley adboard mailing list getting screwed up

    My buddy list is flooded with people I never talk to or have seen in the past year. Am I vain in keeping them on? Maybe.

    My econ professor wished us a belated happy valentine's today. At this point, belated is four years for me.

    We learned in cosmology that time is relative to how fast you're going. You're going near the speed of light and someone observes that you travel through time in slow motion. Ironic, huh? Oh to be able to ride a light beam to go anywhere in the universe....to go back in time, to fix things....

    Our volleyball team finally won a game yesterday. And then we split up afterwards and played against each other and won again! :P

    There's a lady I know at W&M who's really special to me who's finally found a happiness in her life. I wish her the best.

    One of my roommates flipped yesterday when I was describing what happened at my case interview yesterday. He flipped out that I was able to remember the problem I was given; he tells me he can't remember the problem for 5 seconds!

    Dave Leitao may potentially be a candidate for ACC coach of the year in b-ball.

    I'm 22 now. Considering what's happened when I was 20 and 21, hopefully this is an up year!

    Ok, my mind has drawn a blank now. Time to sign out!

    Tuesday, February 14, 2006

    once again, being one of the few people w/o anyone to celebrate this holiday with. >:o oh well, at least I save a few bucks, right? :-)

    Tuesday, February 07, 2006

    Today I played volleyball with the Wesley team for the first time in over a year. Actually I haven't played volleyball, period since early last March, and that was with the band team that beat the Wesley team. Ironic....
    I made sure not to eat anything after lunch so my stomach would be empty for the 8:45 PM matchup; good thing too, because I felt things start to come back up as I played :(
    We lost, but I consider it a moral victory just to have played tonight, at least it was some degree of normalcy!

    Monday, February 06, 2006

    <>I find this just a bit odd.....

    "Dashboard Jesus: Enlightenment On A Spring

    Warning: Choking hazard."

    Friday, February 03, 2006

    to make Geoff happy, go Steelers!

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