  • Saturday, February 26, 2005

    First years: vote for Susan Fisher for VP of SYC! Go to www.uvavote.com! (If you're not a first year, then you can disregard this message)

    Friday, February 25, 2005

    I'm glad last night is done with... it was a night i was both excited about and dreading for a couple of days. It's the IM volleyball playoffs right now, and due to a scheduling conflict I wasn't able to be on the Wesley IM team this go-around, so I joined the band team instead. You can probably guess where I'm going with this... we were playing against the Wesley team in the first round. Yeah. I spent the last 3 days in the gym with a volleyball, trying to figure out how to serve the ball so i wouldn't look like a fool out there. If you'd seen me play volleyball before, you'd know that when i try to serve i did it underhand to get enough power to get it over but usually the ball goes way off to the side and occasionally hits the ref (unintentionally!) But I figured out a new way to serve, with power and a decent amount of accuracy. It worked well during the game... 3 of my 4 serves were in good position and tough to return. But yeah, I was definitely fired up for this game, especially after feeling like I was the weak link on the Wesley team last semester. Before the game, one of the guys on the Wesley team was joking about how I had left the team, and one of the girls on the band team was saying "So, how's it feel to be playing in this game?" (my response: a bit weird!) But yeah, between trying to avenge myself for last semester and fight for my current team, two reasons that I needed to have the game of my life that night. And it definitely was the best game I've ever played, and our team played incredibly well after dropping the first set. We pulled out a victory over the Wesley team in a 3-set nail-biter. I'm just glad that night is done, now we can move on with our lives. We go up against the IM team in the next round who has one of the top rankings... we probably don't stand much of a chance but I'll savor this victory while it lasts. Go Pterodactyls (our team name)!

    Wednesday, February 16, 2005

    Greatest Valentine's moment 2005:
    Saying to Susan in the tree house, "I've got something for you in my car" (flowers)
    Susan: "Is it a bullet? Are you trying to kill me?"
    (I go to my car to get her the flowers and bring them back to the tree house and give them to her)
    Susan: "I'm happy now! But now I can't wear black!"

    Monday, February 14, 2005

    i'm trying something a bit different this valentine's day... instead of trying to impress someone I like, today I'm just sending out various Valentine's gifts like e-cards, flowers, and chocolate-covered strawberries to a lot of my single friends.... I figure I can't be the only person who thinks this holiday sucks for single people; let's see if I can brighten other people's Valentine's day. We'll see what happens.

    Happy singles awareness day.

    Monday, February 07, 2005

    Thanks to everyone who 'surprised' me with the early b-day celebration at the Super Bowl party... you all rock! I've never seen a birthday cookie before, at least not one as big as a cake!

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